How Does It Work?
The Green Signature system is very easy to operate, and has a total of 3 menus:
- A menu for uploading documents for signature and sending them to clients.
- Customer management menu.
- Patterns management menu – documents that are sent to clients frequently – it saves you time, so you won’t have to look for the documents as they are already in the system, and you can send them to clients immediately.
The documents for signature are uploaded by the user to a secured system, and the customer receives a link to the document through Email and/or SMS.
When the customer receives the message, it will have an attached link leading to the website where the secured document will be presented.
The system marks the place where the customer should sign, and the customer signs using the mouse on a computer or his finger on a cell phone. Immediately following the approval, the document is ready for the Green Signature user’s use while it stays in the signed documents archive.
The advanced search system can restore any signed document, and that document will include all of the security and signature denial prevention measures, so it will be possible to present those when needed.
The signatory receives the signed copy of the document to his email, immediately following the signature.
What are the security and denial prevention measures taken by the system?
- A password that is known only to the signatory – the document will only open for signature by typing the password.
- Filling in the signatory’s ID card date of issue.
- A copy of the signatory’s ID card.
- Filming a short video of the signatory, using the system, in which the signatory is required to say a particular text according to the user’s demand for the purpose of signature authorization.
- A fee paid by the signatory with a credit card during the signature process, in which he will fill in all of the credit card details known only to him, including the three security digits on the back of the card.